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Market Analysis & Insight

Accessing rich levels of insight from local market experts, obtain a deep understanding of each country’s market developments, typical practises, regulatory framework and much more.

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Axco’s analysis and insight empowers better business decisions. Our research expertise and local networks deliver unbiased and unique market information through a suite of accessible and innovative products.

Full Market Analysis

Our years of experience, coupled with our ‘on the ground’ visits to the individual markets, ensure that the unbiased data is collected, validated and presented to the highest standards, giving the user an unparalleled access to each of the 170+ territories covered.

Market Practice and Developments

We work with our network of local experts to keep appraised of market developments, changes to regulation, political and social changes or even disasters to a market. We deliver not just data, but what it could mean to your business.

Unrivalled clarity and precision

We are regarded as the trusted resource for essential international information and meaningful market insights. Our experts research and structure insurance information to facilitate easy interpretation, and comparison of data across the global market.

Unique Research Methods

Data you can rely on

A definitive source of consistent, unbiased market intelligence from 170+ global markets

Our trusted information and unique research methods have established our position as the market leader in insurance intelligence for over 55 years.

Expert Research

Our researchers have industry experience and an extensive network of industry contacts Information is sourced from regular visits to markets and interviews with local market participants to provide a level of insight unobtainable elsewhere.



Information is verified and interpreted to the highest standards.

Axco Portal

Easy access

Across desktop and mobile devices, you can access reliable and trustworthy information through the latest technology. Our solutions have been built with customers’ requirements in mind.


Why We’re Different…

Icon Market Leader
Market Leader

Built on over 55 years of experience, our reliable sources, expert analysts and network of industry contacts, provide the trusted data necessary for strategic decision-making. No other provider delivers information directly from the people who know their market best.

Icon Deeper Understanding
Uniquely sourced

Our unique research method allows us to share deeper levels of information and the inside view on the latest market developments and projected trends around the world.

Icon Industry Partner
Industry Partner

Being client centric is essential to our evolution. Working collaboratively with clients, and listening to feedback, we develop our solutions ensuring our products are relevant and fulfil their specific needs.

Icon Cloud Computing
Dynamic Technology

With our customers’ requirements in mind, we utilise the latest technology to research and deliver our products via fast and accessible methods, available across all devices.


Market Analysis & Insight Products

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Whether you need more information or to discuss which products are best suited to your needs, our dedicated team are here to help.

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